Advantages of Youth Participation in Digital Learning

Digital learning has evolved significantly, becoming a vital part of modern education, especially in response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This shift highlights the importance of youth participation in digital education, showcasing its potential to transform educational approaches and equip young people with the skills needed to navigate an increasingly digital world. Read More …

10 Ways to Capture Students’ Attention in Digital Class

In the digital classroom, capturing and maintaining students’ attention can be challenging. However, utilizing insights from neuroscience and practical teaching strategies can make a significant difference. In this blog post, we’ll explore ten effective ways to capture and hold students’ attention during online lessons. These methods leverage the brain’s natural tendencies and are designed to Read More …

Lack of digital skills disadvantages citizens

People with low digital competencies face significant disadvantages in today’s increasingly digital world. These disadvantages can manifest in a variety of ways, such as limited access to information, reduced employability, and decreased social connectedness. Limited access to information can be a significant disadvantage for those with low digital competencies. In today’s society, much of the information Read More …